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Working hours

How to set up your availability for self-service booking

Updated over 4 months ago

Your working hours are used to determine your availability for the self-service booking portal. They are also displayed visually in your calendar. It is still possible to manually book appointments outside your working hours, or you could make an override for that day.

Setting up your working hours

To adjust your working hours navigate to Settings -> Working Hours.

The form sets up your work week and repeats every week. Later we'll also take a look at how you can set up overrides to deviate from your standard week setup.

Multiple periods

For each day you can control if the day is closed and what times you are working. If you are working in different periods in the day you can add these periods in the form.

On the Thursday in the picture you could imagine you do the bulk of your work in the daytime, but you have one client you meet in an evening slot.

Lunch breaks

If you want to make sure that clients can book in your lunch break you could either set up two periods with some time in between, like we have done for the Tuesday, or you placing an activity in your calendar to block bookings for that time.

Restrict which services can be booked

For each period you can restrict which services should be available in self-service booking.

Are you missing a service from the list? Make sure that the service is enabled for booking by clients!

Date overrides

The week setup is your standard work week, but you'll likely have to make some exceptions for specific days. If you're traveling and have to restrict your sessions to only those you can do digitally, or if you're taking a day off date overrides are what you'll use.

Below the work week form you'll see a list of your overrides, and a button to create new ones. An override simply replaces the standard settings for a given date. You can only have a single override per date.

It is also possible to create overrides by clicking the ... button above the calendar. Then you can see the calendar while making your overrides!

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