Time Magnet

The Time Magnet helps you reduce calendar gaps by controlling the appointment slots clients can see in the self-service booking.

Aleksander Erichsen avatar
Written by Aleksander Erichsen
Updated over a week ago

The Time Magnet helps you reduce gaps in your calendar. It works by limiting which appointment slots are made visible to the client. New appointments will be placed next to existing ones. Imagine that existing appointments are magnetic and attracts new bookings.

Activating the Time Magnet

To enable the Time Magnet, follow these steps:

  1. Select Settings in the sidebar and navigate to Self-service booking.

  2. Scroll down until you find the heading Time Magnet.

  3. Choose your preferred option: Strong, Medium, Weak, or No magnet.

What's the difference between the magnet options?

In short, the stronger the magnet, the less gaps you'll have. This comes at the cost of less appointment slots for the the client to choose from.

No Magnet

Allows clients to book every half-hour, provided there is availability. Lots of options for the client, but will often lead to gaps. A good choice if you want to prioritise maximising your clients' options.

Weak Magnet

Clients can book appointments throughout the opening hours, but as bookings comes in the magnet will adjust the list of start times to reduce calendar gaps. Works great if your appointment durations are multiples of each other (e.g. 30 min and 60 min), but can lead to gaps if the durations are more irregular (e.g. 45 min and 75 min).

Medium Magnet

When a calendar day doesn't have any events, the client will see time slots throughout the day. However, if there are existing events, the clients will only be presented with time slots that directly precede or follow these appointments. This approach ensures minimal calendar gaps while still offering flexibility on days without any appointments.

Strong Magnet

When your calendar is empty for the day, clients can only choose the first available time within your opening hours. If there are existing appointments, it operates similarly to the Medium Magnet. Ideal for those who want sessions to start consistently and minimize calendar gaps.

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